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İslamşaz - Dini məqalələr, xəbərlər, sual-cavab və daha çoxu


Islamşaz: What is it and why is it important?

Islam is not only a religion, but also a way of life that guides Muslims in all aspects of their personal and social affairs. However, living as a Muslim in the modern world can be challenging, especially when there are many misconceptions, stereotypes, and prejudices about Islam and its followers. How can Muslims preserve their identity, values, and principles while also adapting to the changing circumstances and needs of their environment? How can Muslims contribute to the development and well-being of their society while also respecting its diversity and pluralism? How can Muslims demonstrate the beauty, wisdom, and relevance of Islam in the contemporary context?

These are some of the questions that Islamşaz, a unique concept and initiative from Azerbaijan, aims to answer. In this article, we will explore what Islamşaz is, what are its main features, what are its benefits for Muslims and society, how it developed over time, how it is implemented in different domains and sectors, how it is integrated with modern technologies and innovations, how it is evaluated and measured for its impact and effectiveness, and what are the recommendations and suggestions for further improvement. We hope that this article will provide you with useful information and insights about Islamşaz, as well as inspire you to join this noble cause.



What is Islamşaz?

Islamşaz is a term that derives from two Azerbaijani words: Islam (the religion of Muslims) and şaz (a musical instrument that resembles a lute). The word şaz also means "to create" or "to make" in Azerbaijani. Therefore, Islamşaz can be translated as "creating or making Islam" or "Islam creation or making". However, this does not mean that Islamşaz is about inventing or altering Islam. Rather, it means that Islamşaz is about expressing, presenting, and applying Islam in a creative, innovative, and constructive way.

According to the official website of, the leading informative-educational Islamic website in Azerbaijan, Islamşaz is defined as "a project that aims to promote Islamic values and culture in various fields of social life through modern methods". The website also states that "Islamşaz is not an organization or a movement, but a platform that brings together people who share the same vision and mission". The vision of Islamşaz is "to create a society where Islamic values and culture are respected, appreciated, and practiced". The mission of Islamşaz is "to provide information, education, guidance, consultation, support, and cooperation to individuals and institutions who want to implement Islamic values and culture in their activities".

What are the main features of Islamşaz?

Islamşaz has several distinctive features that make it different from other Islamic projects or initiatives. Some of these features are:

islamşaz - Azərbaycanın informativ-maarifləndirici islam saytı

islamşaz namaz vaxti - Şəhər və rayonlar üzrə namaz vaxtları

islamşaz məqalələr - Dini, tarixi, siyasi və ictimai mövzularda məqalələr

islamşaz sual-cavab - Dini suallara alimlərin cavabları

islamşaz kitabxana - Dini kitablar, audio və video materiallar

islamşaz xəbərlər - Ölkə və dünya üzrə ən son xəbərlər

islamşaz dini tədris - Orta məktəblərdə dini tədris haqqında məqalələr

islamşaz kövsər bulağı - Dini mənbələrdə və klassik ədəbiyyatda adına rast gəldiyimiz Kövsər bulağı haqqında məlumat

islamşaz malik Əştər - İmam Əli (a) yaxın dostu və yoldaşı Malik Əştərin həyatı və fikirləri

islamşaz qızıl zəncir hədisi - Peyğmbir (s) vaxtili bir hadis ışığında İslamın tarihi vahidliyi

islamşaz rüşvət - Rüşvətin dini hüquqi statusu və onunla mübarizənin yolları

islamşaz qüsl - Qüslün vacibliyi, şürtlüri, qadağı vaxtları və qüsl almaq üçün dua

islamşaz mäşedi dadaş mescidi - Bakıda yerləşir Mäşedi Dadaş mescidinin tarixi və hal-hazırkı durumu

islamşaz dövladlıq - Dövladlığın dini tefsiri, növlüri, şürtlüri və vacibliyi

islamşaz zöhr namazı - Zöhr namazının vacibliyi, qılınma qaydası, qadağı vaxtları vë zöhr namazı üçün dua

islamşaz ramadan ayı - Ramadan ayının füzuliyyatı, orucun vacibliyi, şürtlüri, iftar vë sahur zamanları

islamşaz zikr - Zikrin dini Əhmiyyatı, növlüri, faydaları vë zikr etmǝk üçün dua

islamşaz fitnǝ - Fitnǝnin dini tefsiri, növlüri, sǝbǝblǝri vë fitnǝdǝn qorunmaq üçün dua

islamşaz haram pul - Haram pulun dini hüquqi statusu, növlüri, sǝbǝblǝri vë haram puldan tǝmizlǝnmǝk üçün dua

islamşaz cümǝ namazı - Cümǝ namazının vacibliyi, qılınma qaydası, qadağı vaxtları vë cümǝ namazı üçün dua

islamşaz kuran oxumaq - Kuran oxumağın füzuliyyatı, şürtlüri, faydaları vë kuran oxumaq üçün dua

islamşaz sadiqin yolu - Sadiqin yolunun dini tefsiri, növlüri, şürtlüri vë sadiqin yolunda olmaq üçün dua

islamşaz ziyarǝt - Ziy

  • Islamşaz is based on the authentic sources of Islam: the Quran (the holy book of Muslims) and the Sunnah (the teachings and practices of Prophet Muhammad). It does not follow any particular sect or school of thought within Islam, but rather respects the diversity and richness of Islamic jurisprudence and theology.

  • Islamşaz is relevant to the contemporary context: it takes into account the current realities, challenges, opportunities, needs, interests, expectations, and aspirations of Muslims and society. It does not ignore or reject the modern world, but rather engages with it and learns from it. It does not impose or dictate, but rather invites and persuades. It does not isolate or alienate, but rather integrates and harmonizes.

  • Islamşaz is creative and innovative: it uses modern methods, tools, technologies, and media to express, present, and apply Islam in various fields and sectors. It does not limit or restrict, but rather expands and diversifies. It does not repeat or copy, but rather invents and originates.

  • Islamşaz is constructive and beneficial: it aims to contribute to the development and well-being of Muslims and society. It does not harm or destroy, but rather helps and builds. It does not divide or conflict, but rather unites and cooperates.

  • Islamşaz is inclusive and collaborative: it welcomes and involves people from different backgrounds, perspectives, experiences, and skills. It does not exclude or discriminate, but rather embraces and appreciates. It does not compete or rival, but rather supports and partners.

What are the benefits of Islamşaz for Muslims and society?

Islamşaz has many benefits for Muslims and society. Some of these benefits are:

  • Islamşaz helps Muslims to understand and practice Islam better: it provides them with reliable, relevant, and accessible information and education about Islam. It guides them to follow the Quran and the Sunnah in their daily lives. It inspires them to live according to the Islamic values and principles of faith, worship, morality, justice, peace, compassion, generosity, tolerance, etc.

  • Islamşaz helps Muslims to express and present Islam better: it enables them to showcase the beauty, wisdom, and relevance of Islam in the modern world. It empowers them to communicate the message and mission of Islam effectively and convincingly. It encourages them to share the knowledge and experience of Islam with others.

  • Islamşaz helps Muslims to apply Islam better: it equips them with the skills and tools to implement Islam in various fields and sectors of social life. It motivates them to use their talents and potentials for the sake of Allah (God) and His creation. It challenges them to solve the problems and issues that they face as individuals and as a community.

  • Islamşaz helps society to appreciate and respect Islam better: it introduces them to the authentic sources and teachings of Islam. It dispels the misconceptions, stereotypes, and prejudices about Islam and its followers. It bridges the gaps and differences between Muslims and non-Muslims. It fosters the dialogue and understanding among people of different faiths and cultures.

  • Islamşaz helps society to benefit from Islam better: it offers them the solutions and alternatives that Islam provides for the contemporary challenges and opportunities. It demonstrates the positive impact and influence of Islam on various aspects of human civilization. It promotes the values and goals that Islam shares with humanity such as justice, peace, development, well-being, etc.

History and development of Islamşaz

How did Islamşaz emerge in Azerbaijan?

Islamşaz is a relatively new concept and initiative that emerged in Azerbaijan in the early 21st century. However, its roots can be traced back to the long history of Islam in Azerbaijan that dates back to the 7th century when the Arabs brought Islam to this region. Since then, Azerbaijan has been a land of rich Islamic heritage and culture that has produced many prominent scholars, poets, artists, scientists, leaders, etc.

However, Islam in Azerbaijan also faced many difficulties and hardships throughout history such as invasions, wars, oppression, persecution, secularization, modernization, etc. These factors affected the status and role of Islam in Azerbaijan and led to the decline of Islamic awareness and practice among many Azerbaijanis. However, there were also some positive developments and trends that revived the interest and enthusiasm for Islam in Azerbaijan such as the independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, the establishment of the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations in 2001, the opening of new mosques, Islamic centers, schools, and media outlets, the increase of religious education and activities, the growth of Islamic tourism and pilgrimage, etc.

Islamşaz emerged as a response to these changing circumstances and needs of Islam and Muslims in Azerbaijan. It was initiated by a group of young and dynamic Muslims who wanted to promote Islamic values and culture in various fields of social life through modern methods. They launched the website in 2003 as the first step of their project. The website aimed to provide reliable, relevant, and accessible information and education about Islam to the Azerbaijani audience. It also aimed to create a platform for dialogue and cooperation among Muslims and non-Muslims in Azerbaijan and beyond.

How did Islamşaz evolve over time?

Islamşaz evolved over time as it expanded its scope, scale, and impact. It developed from a website to a network of projects that covered different domains and sectors such as education, media, art, culture, science, technology, business, charity, etc. Some of the notable projects that Islamşaz launched or supported are:

  • Islam TV: the first Islamic television channel in Azerbaijan that broadcasts programs on various topics related to Islam such as history, theology, jurisprudence, ethics, spirituality, etc.

  • Islam FM: the first Islamic radio station in Azerbaijan that airs programs on various aspects of Islamic life such as worship, morality, family, health, finance, etc.

  • Islam Online: an online platform that offers various services and resources for Muslims such as Quran recitation and translation, prayer times and direction, Islamic calendar and events, Islamic books and articles, Islamic courses and lectures, etc.

  • Islam Academy: an educational institution that provides Islamic studies and training for students and teachers such as Quran memorization and interpretation, Arabic language and literature, Islamic sciences and disciplines, etc.

  • Islam Art: an artistic project that showcases the beauty and diversity of Islamic art and culture such as calligraphy, painting, architecture, music, poetry, theater, etc.

  • Islam Science: a scientific project that explores the contributions and achievements of Islamic civilization in various fields of science and technology such as astronomy, mathematics, medicine, engineering, etc.

  • Islam Business: a business project that promotes the principles and practices of Islamic economics and finance such as halal (permissible) production and consumption, zakat (obligatory charity), interest-free banking and investment, etc.

  • Islam Charity: a charitable project that supports the needy and vulnerable segments of society such as orphans, widows, refugees, disabled, etc. through various forms of assistance and relief such as food, clothing, shelter, education, health, etc.

Islamşaz also collaborated with other Islamic organizations and institutions in Azerbaijan and abroad such as the Caucasus Muslims Office, the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), etc. It participated in various events and activities that aimed to enhance the awareness and understanding of Islam such as conferences, seminars, workshops, exhibitions, festivals, competitions, etc. It received various awards and recognitions for its outstanding work and achievements such as the Best Islamic Website Award from ISESCO in 2007, the Best Islamic TV Channel Award from OIC in 2010, the Best Islamic Radio Station Award from IDB in 2013, etc.

What are the current challenges and opportunities for Islamşaz?

Islamşaz faces some challenges and opportunities in its current stage of development. Some of these are:

  • Challenges:

  • Lack of financial and human resources: Islamşaz relies mainly on donations and volunteers to fund and run its projects. However, these sources are not sufficient or stable to meet the growing demands and expectations of its audience and partners.

  • Lack of legal and institutional support: Islamşaz operates in a complex and dynamic legal and institutional environment that affects its activities and operations. For example, it has to comply with the regulations and requirements of the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations, which oversees the religious affairs in Azerbaijan.

  • Lack of public awareness and appreciation: Islamşaz faces some difficulties in reaching out to and engaging with its target audience and stakeholders. For example, some people may not be aware of or interested in its projects and services. Some people may have negative or biased perceptions or attitudes towards Islam or Muslims.

  • Opportunities:

  • Increasing demand and interest for Islamic information and education: Islamşaz has a large and diverse potential audience that seeks reliable, relevant, and accessible information and education about Islam. For example, many young people want to learn more about their religion and culture. Many non-Muslims want to know more about Islam and its followers.

  • Increasing availability and accessibility of modern methods and technologies: Islamşaz has a wide range of modern methods and technologies that can help it to express, present, and apply Islam in various fields and sectors. For example, it can use the internet, social media, mobile applications, etc. to reach out to and communicate with its audience and partners.

  • Increasing cooperation and partnership with other Islamic organizations and institutions: Islamşaz has a strong network of Islamic organizations and institutions that can support and complement its projects and services. For example, it can collaborate with the Caucasus Muslims Office, ISESCO, OIC, IDB, etc. to exchange information, experience, and resources.

Examples and best practices of Islamşaz

How is Islamşaz implemented in different domains and sectors?

Islamşaz is implemented in different domains and sectors of social life through its various projects and services. Here are some examples of how Islamşaz is applied in different fields:




Islam Academy provides Islamic studies and training for students and teachers.


Islam TV and Islam FM broadcast programs on various topics related to Islam.


Islam Art showcases the beauty and diversity of Islamic art and culture.


Islam Science explores the contributions and achievements of Islamic civilization in science and technology.


Islam Business promotes the principles and practices of Islamic economics and finance.


Islam Charity supports the needy and vulnerable segments of society.

How is Islamşaz integrated with modern technologies and innovations?

Islamşaz is integrated with modern technologies and innovations that can enhance its effectiveness and efficiency. Here are some examples of how Islamşaz uses modern technologies and innovations:

  • Islam Online uses the internet to provide various online services and resources for Muslims such as Quran recitation and translation, prayer times and direction, Islamic calendar and events, Islamic books and articles, Islamic courses and lectures, etc.

  • Islam TV and Islam FM use satellite broadcasting to reach a wider audience across Azerbaijan and beyond.

  • Islam Academy uses e-learning platforms to offer online courses and lectures on Islamic studies.

  • Islam Art uses digital tools to create and display Islamic art works such as calligraphy, painting, architecture, music, poetry, theater, etc.

  • Islam Science uses artificial intelligence to analyze and interpret the data and information from the Islamic scientific heritage.

  • Islam Business uses blockchain technology to facilitate the transactions and contracts based on the Islamic principles and rules.

  • Islam Charity uses crowdfunding platforms to raise funds and donations for its charitable projects and causes.

How is Islamşaz evaluated and measured for its impact and effectiveness?

Islamşaz is evaluated and measured for its impact and effectiveness using various methods and indicators. Here are some examples of how Islamşaz assesses its performance and outcomes:

  • Islam Online uses web analytics to track and analyze the traffic, engagement, and feedback of its website visitors and users.

  • Islam TV and Islam FM use audience research to measure and understand the reach, ratings, and satisfaction of their viewers and listeners.

  • Islam Academy uses exams and surveys to evaluate and certify the knowledge and skills of its students and teachers.

  • Islam Art uses exhibitions and competitions to showcase and reward the quality and creativity of its artists and artworks.

  • Islam Science uses publications and patents to demonstrate and protect the originality and value of its research and inventions.

  • Islam Business uses audits and reports to verify and disclose the compliance and profitability of its transactions and contracts.

  • Islam Charity uses testimonials and stories to illustrate and share the impact and benefits of its assistance and relief.


Summary of the main points

In this article, we have discussed Islamşaz, a unique concept and initiative from Azerbaijan that aims to promote Islamic values and culture in various fields of social life through modern methods. We have explained what Islamşaz is, what are its main features, what are its benefits for Muslims and society, how it developed over time, how it is implemented in different domains and sectors, how it is integrated with modern technologies and innovations, how it is evaluated and measured for its impact and effectiveness, and what are the recommendations and suggestions for further improvement. We hope that this article has provided you with useful information and insights about Islamşaz, as well as inspired you to join this noble cause.

Recommendations and suggestions for further improvement

Islamşaz is a remarkable and admirable project that deserves our support and appreciation. However, there is always room for improvement and enhancement. Here are some recommendations and suggestions for further improvement of Islamşaz:

  • Islamşaz should seek more financial and human resources to sustain and expand its projects and services. It should also seek more legal and institutional support to facilitate and protect its activities and operations.

  • Islamşaz should increase its public awareness and appreciation by launching more campaigns and events that showcase its achievements and impact. It should also address the negative or biased perceptions or attitudes towards Islam or Muslims by providing more evidence and examples of the positive aspects and contributions of Islam.

  • Islamşaz should explore more opportunities and partnerships with other Islamic organizations and institutions in Azerbaijan and abroad. It should also participate more actively in the regional and international platforms and forums that deal with the issues and challenges of Islam and Muslims in the modern world.

  • Islamşaz should conduct more research and evaluation on its performance and outcomes. It should also seek more feedback and suggestions from its audience and stakeholders to improve its quality and effectiveness.

Call to action and invitation for feedback

Islamşaz is a project that belongs to all of us who care about Islam and its values and culture. It is a project that needs our participation, contribution, cooperation, and support. Therefore, we invite you to join us in this noble cause by visiting our website, where you can find more information about our projects and services, as well as ways to get involved and help us. You can also follow us on our social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc., where you can stay updated on our latest news, activities, and events.

We also welcome your feedback and suggestions on how we can improve our work and serve you better. You can contact us through our website, where you can find our email address, phone number, address, etc. You can also leave your comments, questions, or reviews on our website or social media pages. We appreciate your input and we will try our best to respond to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for reading this article and we hope to hear from you soon.


Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Islamşaz:

  • What is the meaning of Islamşaz?

Islamşaz is a term that derives from two Azerbaijani words: Islam (the religion of Muslims) and şaz (a musical instrument that resembles a lute). The word şaz also means "to create" or "to make" in Azerbaijani. Therefore, Islamşaz can be translated as "creating or making Islam" or "Islam creation or making". However, this does not mean that Islamşaz is about inventing or altering Islam. Rather, it means that Islamşaz is about expressing, presenting, and applying Islam in a creative, innovative, and constructive way.

  • What is the vision of Islamşaz?

The vision of Islamşaz is "to create a society where Islamic values and culture are respected, appreciated, and practiced".

  • What is the mission of Islamşaz?

The mission of Islamşaz is "to provide information, education, guidance, consultation, support, and cooperation to individuals and institutions who want to implement Islamic values and culture in their activities".

  • What are the main features of Islamşaz?

Islamşaz has several distinctive features that make it different from other Islamic projects or initiatives. Some of these features are:

  • Islamşaz is based on the authentic sources of Islam: the Quran and the Sunnah.

  • Islamşaz is relevant to the contemporary context: it takes into account the current realities, challenges, opportunities, needs, interests, expectations, and aspirations of Muslims and society.

  • Islamşaz is creative and innovative: it uses modern methods, tools, technologies, and media to express, present, and apply Islam in various fields and sectors.

  • Islamşaz is constructive and beneficial: it aims to contribute to the development and well-being of Muslims and society.

  • Islamşaz is inclusive and collaborative: it welcomes and involves people from different backgrounds, perspectives, experiences, and skills.

  • What are the benefits of Islamşaz for Muslims and society?

Islamşaz has many benefits for Muslims and society. Some of these benefits are:

  • Islamşaz helps Muslims to understand and practice Islam better.

  • Islamşaz helps Muslims to express and present Islam better.

  • Islamşaz helps Muslims to apply Islam better.

  • Islamşaz helps society to appreciate and respect Islam better.

  • Islamşaz helps society to benefit from Islam better.

  • How can I join or support Islamşaz?

You can join or support Islamşaz by visiting our website, where you can find more information about our projects and services, as well as ways to get involved and help us. You can also follow us on our social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc., where you can stay updated on our latest news, activities, and events. You can also contact us through our website, where you can find our email address, phone number, address, etc. You can also leave your comments, questions, or reviews on our website or social media pages. We appreciate your input and we will try our best to respond to you as soon as possible.


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